Volunteer Opportunities

Trail Volunteers

Trail Work 9-3-20


We have three ways to volunteer on our trails

  • Become a trail steward
  • Join our spring public work trip 
  • Partake in our group volunteer days for special projects

Trail Stewards

The Conservation Commission, along with our partners, Maine Coast Heritage Trust (MCHT) and the Georges River Land Trust (GRLT), have an active trail system in town. These trails are: Fort Point, Town Forest, Jones Brook, Leslie Hyde Memorial Trail, High Island, Bamford  Preserve and Meadow Brook Preserve.   

The role of a Trail Steward is to actively assist the Conservation Commission as the “eyes and ears” of a designated trail.  While walking the designated trail every two to three weeks, the Trail Steward observes  trail conditions and reports on any work required.  Such observations include downed trees, brush encroaching in the trail, missing signs or worn blazes, drainage issues such as deteriorating or broken bog bridging or wet area which need to be addressed, vandalism, or anything unusual. The Trail Steward may also assist in minor maintenance depending on their comfort level including cutting back minor vegetation and removing small twigs and branches. 

Stewardship of a trail can be shared between two parties to facilitate year round coverage.

Spring Work Trip

The Conservation Commission holds a work trip in the spring of each year to clean up the trail and/or work on a special project.  It is an excellent way to check out a trail, meet your friends and neighbors, and to get outdoors and have some fun!

Group Volunteer Days

Sometimes we need volunteers to help with special projects such as installing stepping stones or bridging.

Would you like to help out on the town trails?

Click here to inquire about trail volunteer opportunities